Dr. Guy Barokas
Researcher in Choice theory, Welfare economics, and Happiness.
Top Collaborators
Prof. Yves Suprmont
Prof. Shai Danziger
Prof. Eyal Peer
Dr. Dotan Pertsits
Prof. Eyal Gamliel
Prof. Tal Shavit
Prof. Burak Unveren
Dr. Arie Sherman
Papers resubmitted to referred journals
1. Self-aware planning: towards a novel definition of sophistical planning. R&R in European Economic Review.
2. On n Self-and Other-Regarding Cooperation in Games: Kant Versus Berge. R&R in Games and economic behavior (with Burak Unveren).
3. Temporal Welfare Analysis with Changing Tastes and Linear Projection Bias. R&R in the journal of behavioral and experimental Economics.
4. The Effect of Name Letter on Market Prices: Two Field Experiments on Seller Behavior. R&R in the journal of behavioral and experimental Economics (with Arie Sherman).
Papers accepted to referred journals
Barokas, G. (2022). Majority-approval social choice. Journal of mathematical psychology, 109(1), 1-14. (IF. 2.5) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmp.2022.102694
Barokas, Guy and Ünveren, B. Impressionable Rational Choice: Revealed-Preference Theory with Framing Effects. Mathematics (2022), 10, 44-66 (IF 2.8). https://doi.org/10.3390/math10234496
Barokas, G., and Sprumont, Y. (2022). The broken Borda rule and other refinements of approval ranking. Social Choice and Welfare, 58(1), 187-199. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00355-021-01356-5
Barokas, G. (2022). Revealed desirability: a novel instrument for social welfare. Theory and Decision, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11238-021-09855-8
Barokas, Guy., Sherman, Arie., Shavit, Tal., & Kushnirovich, Nonna. (2020). On the Role of Personal Values and Philosophy of Life in Happiness Technology. Journal of Happiness Studies, 1–16. (Q1, IF 4.2).
Barokas Guy, Savit Tal, and Sherman Arie (2019), “A Dynamic Model on Happiness and Exogenous Wealth Shock: The Case of Lottery Winners.” Journal of Happiness Studies. (Q1, IF 4.2) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-019-00079-w.
Barokas, G. (2021). Self-Control Preferences and Status-Quo Bias. The BE Journal of Theoretical Economics. https://doi.org/10.1515/bejte-2020-0136
Barokas Guy (2017), “A taxonomy of rationality with incomplete preferences,” Economics letters. 159(1), 138–141. (Q1, IF 1.75) URL: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1VWlsbZedevkN
Barokas Guy (2019), “Choice theoretical foundation for libertarian paternalism.” Journal of mathematical economics 81, 62–73. (Q1, IF 0.75) URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmateco.2019.01.002
Barokas Guy (2020), “Identifying changing taste from demand data via golden eggs,” Social Choice and Welfare (Q1, IF 0.85, ABDC A). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00355-019-01211-8.
Barokas, Guy, Tal Shavit, and Arie Sherman. (2021) "Can Parents Manage Their Children’s Future Happiness?: A Retrospective Inquiry." Journal of Family Issues (IF 1.9 ) https://doi.org/10.1177/0192513x211022793.
Barokas, G. (2021). Dynamic choice under familiarity-based attention. Social Choice and Welfare, 57(4), 703-720. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00355-021-01335-w
Sherman Arie and Barokas Guy, (2019), “Are happy people are more employable?” evidence from two field experiments. Applied Economic letters 25(7), p.143–146. (Q3, IF 0.65, ABDC- B). introduction. https://doi.org/10.1080/13504851.2018.1558345